Imagine a world where the extraordinary is shunned. Where the usual taints the unusual, where we are all one and the same, blank, empty and completely and utterly identical. Imagine living in a world where nothing will surprise you, where the person whose gaze blankly meets yours on the street is a reflection of your own grey and dismal self in the mirror. Imagine a world where we are all destined to be nothing more than ordinary.
Children with special needs light up our world with their at times innocent affection, at times their brilliance, but most of all with their ability to show us that somewhere in all of us lives a child that will not grow up. They draw us into their world, sometimes a world of uninhibited joy and laughter and at other times a world of unimaginable strife. Let us celebrate their diversity, their colourful and unique world and their ability to eliminate all half-baked standards and prejudices. Let us celebrate the children of the universe.
We are all children of the universe, but we tend to forget about that as we get caught up in the shuffle of living our daily routines. We are always in a hurry trying to solve endless problems and being afraid just not to have time for everything. Meanwhile the metropolis just grins and takes over our lives. Faster! Faster! We get knocked off our feet trying not to miss anything important and thus not paying any attention to those around us. We have no time for that. We have no time to take a look up and see that calm and eternal Universe above us.
The Child of the Universe Film Festival aims to reveal the fantastic spiritual, creative and intellectual potential of any child and to tell the story of those people in whose hearts still lives a child. The main focus of the Festival is to enable both beginners and professionals in the film industry to share with people their vision and perception of the world. Children do not owe us anything. We owe them for the fresh breath of life, a sense of the future and the vibration of the centuries to come that they leave us with as they pass us by.
The project is aimed at uniting those people who care for the search for new forms of communication and development and those who are eager to assist children in fulfilling their potential despite any physical limitations and any other deviations from the existing standards set by society. Therefore the festival creates a single space encouraging viewers to think, feel and enjoy along with the characters. Only by giving up indifference we can open ourselves to the universe!